# Tokel Token RPCs

# Introduction

The Tokens Module enables support for the on-chain creation of colored coins, otherwise called tokens. The created tokens are used with another module that supports on-chain operations for tokens. The Assets Module (opens new window) provides buy/sell (tokenDEX) operations for tokens. Please refer to the Assets API documentation for further information on Assets.

The tokens module requires locking a proportional amount of Tokel (TKL) coins. Each satoshi (0.00000001) of TKL is equal to one token within the total supply. For example, if you wanted to create a token with a supply of 100 million, this would require locking 1 TKL. Once the coins are locked, they are effectively unusable, or burnt; tokens now take the place of the native coin.

Tokel uses the v2 version of the tokens module that Komodo offers, thus all commands are required to be lead with tokenv2. Although it lists token (v1) commands on the blockchain help output, these are not supported or enabled on the Tokel blockchain.

This documentation was taken and updated from the Komodo platform developer documentation (opens new window). Tokel has added features that some branches of Komodo do not have. Please refer to our documentation for all Tokel specific RPCs.

# Tokenv2 RPCs

  • tokenv2allbalances [pubkey]
  • tokenv2balance tokenid [pubkey]
  • tokenv2indexkey [pubkey]
  • tokenv2createtokel name supply [description] [token data]
  • tokenv2infotokel tokenid
  • tokenv2list [json params]
  • tokenv2transfer tokenid destpubkey amount
  • tokenv2transfermany tokenid1 tokenid2 ... destpubkey amount

# tokenv2allbalances

tokenv2allbalances [pubkey]

The tokenv2allbalances method returns information about all of the tokens that a specific pubkey holds.

# Arguments

Name Type Description
pubkey (string) the pubkey of the desired address

# Response

Name Type Description
"tokenid" (string) the tokenid of a token that the pubkey holds
amount (numeric) the specific amount of tokens that the pubkey holds of the listed tokenid

# 📌 Examples


./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2allbalances 0343d7592b13fcdc64bd8794b6db197a4a3a41b5b63e2f3495a6a65c5c66e3e837

# tokenv2balance

tokenv2balance tokenid [pubkey]

The tokenv2balance method checks the token balance for the provided pubkey. If no pubkey is provided, the pubkey used to launch the daemon is used by default.

# Arguments

Name Type Description
tokenid (string) the txid that identifies the token
pubkey (string) the pubkey for which to examine the balance; if no pubkey is provided, the pubkey used to launch the daemon is used by default

# Response

Name Type Description
result (string) whether the command executed succesfully
CCaddress (string) this is the CC address (indexkey) from the pubkey provided
tokenid (string) the txid that identifies the token
balance (number) the balance of the address that corresponds to the pubkey

# 📌 Examples


./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2balance a283693b37b3bd94edd91ba31345310a9b47946c626cb14189d67931a0cde705

Check the token balance of a specific pubkey

./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2balance 8d7322de19971cd8c0ff8bec7c564754552c3e03d1487d7a948ffe02d60d9ccc 0338f5315f9a60f669871848864aa39c182689c9892894b8c18500b3b830f280f4

# tokenv2indexkey

tokenv2indexkey [pubkey]

The tokenv2indexkey method returns information about the indexkey of the pubkey provided. This indexkey is specific to the Tokensv2CC module and is used to track token transactions on the Tokel blockchain.

# Arguments

Name Type Description
pubkey (string) the pubkey of the desired address

# Response

Name Type Description
"indexkey" (string) the tokensv2CC specific indexkey associated with the given pubkey

# 📌 Examples


./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2indexkey 0262ddd30ed4f6aa36aac83649967026e9d58bb6997c8107057895386b4f0792e9

# tokenv2createtokel

tokenv2createtokel name supply description [token data]

The tokenv2createtokel method creates a new fixed supply or non-fungible token that incorporates the Tokel Standard token data format.

For every token created, you are required to spend one satoshi (0.00000001) of the Tokel coin (TKL). For example, 1 TKL creates a maximum 100000000 tokens. As each TKL satoshi is used to create a coloured coin, once the TKL has been spent to create the token, it is effectively burnt and no longer in the circulating supply of TKL. This method is used to create all types (NFT & Fixed supply) of tokens on the Tokel blockchain. The data you input into the token on creation is non editable. Once it is created, you cannot change it, so be dilligent and ensure you haven't made any errors! If you would like to write external data to your token, consider using the OraclesCC methods.

The token data field is optional and is broken down into a URL (we suggest using IPFS for storing images/audio/video/other), ID (used to identify sets of NFTs), a royalty amount (x/1000), and an arbitrary data field that is input as hex.

For creators/developers that require more flexibility (or do not want to follow the Tokel Standard) for the data format they input onto the token, you can use the tokenv2create RPC. Data from this RPC may not show within the Tokel Application.

# Non-Fungible Tokens

To create a non-fungible token, simply set the supply field of the RPC to 0.00000001. This will use 1 satoshi of TKL to create a single token. As the name suggests, non-fungible tokens are not fungible with anything else. As each NFT is individual and unique, it should only ever have a supply of 1. NFT's are perfect to signify the ownership of digital or physical assets.

If you would like to divide the ownership of a single asset into many allocations, you should set the supply to however many allocations you want. These coins are not considered NFT's as they are then all fungible with one another.

# Fixed Supply Tokens

All tokens created on Tokel are of a fixed supply, meaning that nobody can create additional supply of any specific token on chain, once the token has been created. Although this is the case, users can burn tokens. Creators/projects can incentivise users burning tokens to permanently reduce the supply of their token.

# Fractional Tokens

In order to create a token that can be divided and transferred in fractional amounts, it must be handled on the application side of development.

For example, to create a token that is divisible to one decimal place, have your application consider 10 tokens as a single unit. In this case, sending one token is the equivalent of sending one decimal point of the actual token.

# Arguments

The method returns a hex-encoded transaction which should then be broadcast using sendrawtransaction.

sendrawtransaction then returns a txid, which is your tokenid.

Name Type Description
name (string) the name of the token (max length, 32)
supply (number) the amount of TKL coins used to create the tokens, NOT the amount/supply of tokens you want in existence; 1 satoshi creates 1 token. 1 TKL creates 100000000 tokens.
description (string) the description of the token (max length, 4096)
token data (json, optional) Additional token data using the Tokel Standard data format

# Response

Name Type Description
result (string) whether the command succeeded
hex (string) a raw transaction in hex-encoded format; you must broadcast this transaction to complete the command

# Tokel Standard data format

Tokel standard data allows creators to add predefined properties to their token, whilst giving creators flexibility through the arbitrary data field. All fields are optional, but the format must be followed when creating your token.


The URL field can be used to show users where the digital asset is stored. We recommend using IPFS (The InterPlanetary File System is a protocol and peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system.) for file storing. There are many other options, including Arweave or Filecoin, and it is up to the creator to understand the best place to store any digital files such that they remain accessible to their holders and do not rely on any single centralized party.

# ID

The ID field allows for creators to uniquely identify their tokens through allocating them a specific number, and can be used however the creator wants. An example of how a creator could use the ID fields is if they wanted to create a set of 10 NFT's in a specific collection, they would simply set the same ID number for all of those NFT's, and not use it for any other creations. With this logic, a creator may set the ID of 1 for their first collection of NFT's, then set 2 for their next collection. Another use may be to identify different ranks of NFT's. Say your game created NFT's with levels associated, the ID field could be used to identify the level of the NFT. I.E. An ID of 1 may represent a level 1 NFT, an ID of 10 may represent a level 10 NFT, so on and so fourth.

The Tokel all-in-one dApp uses the ID field to group collections together. If tokens have the same creator, same ID field, and have the same 'collectionName' (stored in the arbitrary data field), they are considered as part of the same collection.

# Royalty

The royalty field allows the creator to take royalties from future sales of their token. The number in this field represents x/1000 of the value of a sale. Say the royalty was 500 (500/1000), then for each sale of the token, using the on-chain token DEX (assetsCC RPCs), 50% of the value would be automatically transferred to the creators address, and 50% to the seller's address. If the royalty value was 10 (10/1000), 1% of every sale would be transferred to the creators address, and 99% to the seller. This feature gives the creator the ability to generate revenue from future sales of their token. This can significantly disrupt and help creators innovate the way they generate revenue from their creations, as their revenue potential is not limited to the original sale value.

For example, a project could use tokens as a key to unlock access to their educational courseware. A person would buy the token from the project, then be able to onsell it once they have completed the course. The project would reap the benefits of the original sale, but also generate revenue from the onselling of the tokens in the future. The user would also benefit as they would be able to onsell the course key (token) once they have finished the course and no longer need it. There are endless possibilties of how to change incentive structures and generate revenue with this on-chain feature.

As a spam protection mechanism, all royalties that are less than 500 sats of the TKL coin are not sent to the token creator. These sats will be kept by the trader.

# Arbitrary data field

This field gives creators the flexibility of adding extra properties, or application specific data to their token. The arbitrary data field is kept as hex on chain, so once the creator has the required data format, they will need to convert it to hex, and input it into this field. An example of a creator using this field to add extra properties to their token is by adding a json that holds the extra data. See the "NFT Creation Example" (opens new window) for an example where we store the properties of size, color, weapon and number as a json, converted to hex, within the arbitrary data field.

# See below for an example of the Tokel Standard data format.

See the example below for how the Tokel Standard data is stored in hex format within the opreturn field.

See below for an example of how to store Arbitrary data (non Tokel Standard) format in hex within the opreturn field.

# 📌 Examples

# NFT Creation Example


./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2createtokel "NFTShowcase" 0.00000001 "This NFT creation example showcases using a single satoshi in the supply field to create 1 token. It also shows how I can add the image into the URL, and use the arbitrary data field to add additional properties to my NFT. 50% of the value of all trades conducted via assets RPCs will be sent to the creators address." "{\"url\":\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TokelPlatform/tokel_app/development/brand_package/assets/tokelx3.png\", \"id\":1, \"royalty\":500, \"arbitrary\":\"7b2273697a65223a203130302c22636f6c6f72223a2022676f6c64222c22776561706f6e223a2022776f726473222c226e756d626572223a203132337d\"}"

Step 2: Broadcast the raw transaction hex

./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST sendrawtransaction 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

Step 3 (Optional): Check your NFT data

./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2infotokel 8d091fa784c304ba1974057f958253e4cd3c36847853645efeb201db65926f5e

Step 4 (Optional): Parse the HEX code from the arbitrary data field (in your application or using something like this http://www.unit-conversion.info/texttools/hexadecimal/) to see the further NFT properties

# Fixed Supply Token Creation Example


./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2createtokel "ixedSUPPLY" 0.00001 "This token showcases a token that has a set supply of 1000 tokens. Each token is fungible with one another, meaning they hold exactly the same value and can be traded 1:1. This token also has a royalty amount of 1%." "{\"url\":\"https://tokel.io/\", \"id\":2, \"royalty\":10, \"arbitrary\":\"\"}"

Step 2: Broadcast the raw transaction hex

./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST sendrawtransaction 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

Step 3 (Optional): Check your token data

./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2infotokel 5da2731e5b1b21a0d446fb7b64203e5f57134b662bda9d30ab9ac54abf2cc37b

# Arbitrary Data Token Creation Example

This example shows a token that does not follow the Tokel Standard data format. It has completely arbitrary data within the token data section. It requires the use of the tokenv2create RPC.


./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2create "ArbDataExample" 0.001 "This token showcases arbitrary data field, instead of using the Tokel Standard data format" "005468697320697320636f6d706c6574656c792061726269747261727920646174612e"

Step 2: Broadcast the raw transaction hex

./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST sendrawtransaction 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

Step 3 (Optional): Check your token data

./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2info 6fbeb30770f60a8bb61cef9b5e18ed579f51cdcc415646b37d17a9f0c43a175a

Step 4 (Optional): Parse the HEX code from the arbitrary data field (in your application or using something like this http://www.unit-conversion.info/texttools/hexadecimal/) You will need to remove the leading 00's.

# tokenv2infotokel

tokenv2infotokel tokenid

The tokeninfotokel method reveals information about any token and outputs the data hex code as an easy to read json. Token data must follow the Tokel Standard for this RPC to output the data as json. If your token does not follow the Tokel Standard, use the tokenv2info RPC to have your data output as hex only.

# Arguments

Name Type Description
tokenid (string) the unique txid that identifies the token

# Response

Name Type Description
result (string) whether the command executed successfully
tokenid (string) the identifying txid for the token id
owner (string) the identifying pubkey of the token creator
name (string) the name of the token
supply (number) the total supply of the token
description (string) the token description provided by the creator at token creation
data (string,optional) the data related to the token, in hex
dataAsJson (string,optional) the hex data output converted to a json
id (number,optional) the id of the token
url (string,optional) the url associated with the token
royalty (number,optional) the royalty amount (x/1000)
arbitrary (string,optional) the arbitrary data of the token as hex
version (number) indicates the opreturn token data structure version
IsMixed (boolean) indicates whether the token is using cryptocondition v2

# 📌 Examples

# Token with data example - using tokenv2infotokel

Note the Tokel Standard data output in the dataAsJson field.


./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2info 8d091fa784c304ba1974057f958253e4cd3c36847853645efeb201db65926f5e

# Token with data example - using tokenv2info

Note the absence of the dataAsJson field for the same token, but the different RPC. You will need to manually decode the hex format output if you do not use the tokenv2infotokel RPC.


./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2info 8d091fa784c304ba1974057f958253e4cd3c36847853645efeb201db65926f5e

# No data example

Note the absence of any data output.


./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2info 3a027eff750bb69d918390f592005b36a0dbd368166ee28b46663bd84e88b0f8

# tokenv2list

tokenv2list [json params]

The tokenv2list method lists all tokens created on Tokel. Enter an optional json string to search for tokens created between specific block numbers, search for tokens created by a specific pubkey, or search for tokens created on a specific CC address.

# Arguments

Name Type Description
begin-height (number, optional) Block number to start searching from, inclusive
end-height (number, optional) Block number to end searching from, inclusive
pubkey (hexstring, optional) Search tokens created by a specific pubkey
address (string, optional) Search tokens on a specific indexkey

# Response

Name Type Description
tokenid (array of strings) the identifying txid (tokenid) for tokens created within the block begin & end heights, or all blocks if left blank

# 📌 Examples

# Search all tokens

An example to search for all tokens created on the blockchain. Note that the time take to output the tokenids is proportional to how many tokens there are on the blockchain. The more tokens created, the longer this will take.


./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2list

# Search the tokens created between specific block numbers

An example to search for tokens created between specified block numbers. This command can be used to significantly reduce the time taken to output tokens. This command can be used to log and keep a database of all tokens created up to date. For example, if your database had logged all tokens created up until the 10,000th block, you would search from 10000 to the current block height.


./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2list "{ \"beginHeight\":16000, \"endHeight\":16337}"

# Search the tokens on a specific indexkey

You can search for all tokens on a specific indexkey (opens new window).


Although this is labelled as 'address' it is not an address, it is an indexkey used to track token transactions. This terminology will be updated in future blockchain updates.


./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2list "{\"address\":\"CXCBz43PaF8dMLLq8DthHUgzEVWzJnQERQ\"}"

<collapse-text hidden title="Response">


# tokenv2transfer

tokenv2transfer tokenid destpubkey amount

The tokenv2transfer method transfers tokens from one Antara Address to another.

The method returns a raw hex, which must be broadcast using sendrawtransaction (opens new window) to complete the command.


The source txid/vout needs to be specified as it is critical to match outputs with inputs.


A token may be burned by using tokentransfer to send the token to a burn address.

# Arguments

Name Type Description
tokenid (string, optional) the identifying txid for the token id
destpubkey (string) the pubkey where the tokens should be sent
amount (number) the number of tokens to send

# Response

Name Type Description
result (string) whether the command succeeded
hex (string) a raw transaction in hex-encoded format; you must broadcast this transaction to complete the command

# 📌 Examples

Step 1: Create the rawtransaction

./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2transfer 8d7322de19971cd8c0ff8bec7c564754552c3e03d1487d7a948ffe02d60d9ccc 0338f5315f9a60f669871848864aa39c182689c9892894b8c18500b3b830f280f4 100

Step 2: Broadcast using sendrawtransaction

./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST sendrawtransaction 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


Step 3: Decode the raw transaction and check against the following if the data is sane

./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST decoderawtransaction 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

# tokenv2transfermany

tokenv2transfermany tokenid1 tokenid2 ... destpubkey amount

The tokenv2transfermany method transfers multiple tokens from one Antara Address to another. There is no limit on how many different tokens can be sent to the one address, simply keep adding more tokenid's one after another, prior to the destpubkey and amount.

It is similar to the sendmany (opens new window) method used to send coins on the parent chain.

The method returns a raw hex, which must be broadcast using sendrawtransaction (opens new window) to complete the command.


The source txid/vout needs to be specified as it is critical to match outputs with inputs.


A token may be burned by using tokentransfer to send to a burn address.

# Arguments

Name Type Description
tokenid1 (string) the identifying txid for first token id
tokenid2 (string, optional) the identifying txid for another token id
destpubkey (string) the pubkey where the tokens should be sent
amount (number) the number of tokens to send

# Response

Name Type Description
result (string) whether the command succeeded
hex (string) a raw transaction in hex-encoded format; you must broadcast this transaction to complete the command

# 📌 Examples

Step 1: Create the rawtransaction

./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST tokenv2transfermany "0cd7631b9a6c54cd8cdc10460e9fe2da9cda9485138f4c9c793ac13b0d1fc242" "8d7322de19971cd8c0ff8bec7c564754552c3e03d1487d7a948ffe02d60d9ccc" 0338f5315f9a60f669871848864aa39c182689c9892894b8c18500b3b830f280f4 50

Step 2: Broadcast using sendrawtransaction

./komodo-cli -ac_name=TKLTEST sendrawtransaction 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
