# Generating

The following RPC calls interact with the Tokel blockchain daemon, and are made available through the tokel-cli software.

The Tokel blockchain inherits all Komodo smartchain RPC's, but not all RPC's are enabled. For simplicity, our documentation only shows those commands that are enabled and available for use.

# getgenerate


The getgenerate method returns a boolean value indicating the server's mining status.

The default value is false.


See also gen.

# Arguments

Name Type Description
(none) (none)

# Response

Name Type Description
true/false (boolean) indicates whether the server is set to generate coins

# 📌 Examples


./tokel-cli getgenerate

You can find your rpcuser, rpcpassword, and rpcport in the coin's .conf file.


curl --user $rpcuser:$rpcpassword --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getgenerate", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'$rpcport/

# setgenerate

setgenerate generate ( genproclimit )

The setgenerate method allows the user to set the generate property in the coin daemon to true or false, thus turning generation (mining/staking) on or off.

Generation is limited to genproclimit processors. Set genproclimit to -1 to use maximum available processors.


See also the getgenerate method to query the current setting, and genproclimit for setting the default number of processors the daemon uses through the .conf file.

# Arguments

Name Type Description
generate (boolean, required) set to true to turn on generation; set to off to turn off generation
genproclimit (numeric, optional) set the processor limit for when generation is on; use value "-1" for unlimited

# Response

Name Type Description
(none) (none)

# 📌 Examples

# Activate mining with maximum available processors


./tokel-cli setgenerate true -1
# Activate staking


./tokel-cli setgenerate true 0
# Activate mining with 4 threads


./tokel-cli setgenerate true 4
# Check the setting


./tokel-cli getgenerate
# Turn off generation


./tokel-cli setgenerate false
# Turning the setting on via json RPC


curl --user $rpcuser:$rpcpassword --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "setgenerate", "params": [true, 1] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'$rpcport/